
Learnings and application..................

Habit -1
Proactive (I am the creator)
30 day test on proactiveness.
a) Admit mistakes
b) Dont criticise other ppl mistake
c) appreciate heartfully
d) Take charge - 3 cds/3-5 contactsd/1-2plans/1-2 demos.

Habit -2
Begin with end in mind (Mental creation)
Mission statement
The goal of our life is to reach a stage of exemplification where we through the life we are living can inspire millions of people to be the best “them”. To be the example of a balanced life where financial/spiritual/social/Personal success converge - to be full of material possessions but still be detached from them - to attain a stillness of the mind that nothing can disturb; while living and moving on in this real world. To become an epitome of love and giving and sharing and thus be able to create a world which can be called “heaven”.

Habit -3
Physical creation

Chapter 2

Habit -1  - Begin with End in Mind
Proactive (I am the creator)
30 day test on proactiveness.
a) Admit mistakes
b) Dont criticise other ppl mistake
c) appreciate heartfully
d) Take charge - 3 cds/3-5 contactsd/1-2plans/1-2 demos.

Habit -2
Begin with end in mind (Mental creation)
Mission statement
The goal of our life is to reach a stage of exemplification where we through the life we are living can inspire millions of people to be the best “them”. To be the example of a balanced life where financial/spiritual/social/Personal success converge - to be full of material possessions but still be detached from them - to attain a stillness of the mind that nothing can disturb; while living and moving on in this real world. To become an epitome of love and giving and sharing and thus be able to create a world which can be called “heaven”.


Chapter 3

Habit -3
Physical creation


Quad ii 4 types
a) Identifying roles
b) Selecting goals
c) scheduling.
d) Daily adapting.
**Need to set up time to plan - Mission statement and review my weekly
goals. Weekly trackers.

you think effectiveness  with people and efficiency with things.
Day to day frustration is a function of our expectations, and our expectation are
often a reflection of the social mirror rather than our own values and priorities.
i.e. our mission statement.
production and production capability
Production - 1hr time => 1 unit of results
production capability - 1hr time => 1000 unit of results with right
NOt a right method, do this do that...manager method.
STEWARDSHIP DELEGATION - Teach, lead and empower method.

stewardship delegation is focussed on results instead of methods.
Beautiful example of how he used this delegation and helped his son to take
care of the Front yard. It gives people a choice of method and makes them responsible for results. It takes more time in the beginnin, but it's time well
invested. INcreases your leverage using delegation. Stewardship
delegation involves clear, up-front mutual understandig and commitment regarding expectation in 5 areas.
a) Desired results
b) guidelines
c) resources
d) accountability
e) consequences.

Trust is the highest form of motivation. It brings out the very best in the people.

empowers you to see throught lens of importance rather than urgency.
Everyone deals with important things, if done on regular/consistent basis will see tremendous positive difference in our lives.

Chapter 4

think Win Win
we should always remember private victory precedes
public victory. effective interdependence only comes with effective independence.
Beautiful example taken around for this case:-
Husband wife: Husband cribs about nagging wife who
keeps calling, chcking, verifying his whearabouts, activities
he does in the day? He is frustrated.
Covey : You are looking for quick fix arnt you.
** Self mastery and self discipline are the foundation of good relationships with others.****
Real self respect comes from dominion over slf, from true independence. And that's the focus of Habit' 1,2 and 3. Independence is achievement. Interdependence is a choice only independent people can make. unless we are willing to achieve real independence, it's foolish to try to develop human relations skill. we might try. we might even have some degree of success when the sun is shining. But when the difficult times come and they will - we won't have the foundation to keep things together.

it is bank account - you keep depositing to withdraw.
If you are only withdrawing it will go in negative mode.
Remeber quick fix in relations is a mirrage. Building and repairing a relationships takes time. if you befcome impatient with his apparent lack of response or his seeming ingratitude you make huge withdrawals and undo all the good you ve done.
It's hard not to get impatient. it takes character to be proactive, to focus on your Circle of influence, to nurture growing thigns, and not to "pull up the flowers to see how the roots are coming". But there is really no quick fix. Relationship building and reparign are long-term investments.

6 major deposits
a) understanding the individual - nurture/grow their interest
movie, baseball game, vacation.
b) Attending to the little things. - The little kindnessess and courtesies are so important. Small discourtesies, little unkind cause withdrawal. In relationship, the little things are big things. People are very tender, very sensitive inside.
c) keeping commitment or promise
d) clarifying expectations -
The deposit is to make the expectations clear and explicit in the beginning. this takes  a real investment of time and effort up front, but it saves great amounts of time and effort down the road. When emotionally involved and simple misunderstandings become compounded, turning into personality clashes and communication breakdowns.
Clarifying expetations sometimes takes a great deal of courage. It seems easier to act as though differences don't exist and to hope things will work out than it is to face the differences and work together to arrive at a mutually agreeable set of expectations.
e)Showing personal integrity
Personal integrity generates trust and is basis of many kind of deposits.
Integrity goes beyond honesty. Honesty is telling the truth-conforming our words to reality. Integrity is conforming reality to our words.

One of the most imp ways to manifest integrity - Be loyal to those who are not present.
f) Apologising sincerely when you make a withdrawal
when we make withdreawals from emotional bank account, we need to apologize and we need to do it sincerely. Great deposits come in the sincere words:
I was wrong
That was unkind of me.
I showed you no respect.
"I embarassed you in front of your friends and i had no call to do that. Even though i wanted to make a point, Inever should have done ti. I apologize."
Leo Roskin- It is weak who are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong.
Sincere apologies make deposits; repeatd apologies interpreted as insincere make withdrawals.
The laws of love and laws of life
The key is make deposits - constant deposti of unconditional love.
story: mom/dad decided way long back that this education would be good for his son. they prepared everything for him and when the day arrived, they were all excited that his son would be doing to this college for higher studies.
But all went topsy turvy, when his son denied this.
they had alltheir dreams and hopes on his child and were so attached to it.
one way: they tried convincing him, talking understanding. They tried to rationalise the reason behind their motive.
Stronger the motive , stronger was the sons will of "NO".
Because they were not unconditionally loving him. Their love
of dream outspoke and overtook his son interest.

2nd way: Unconditional love. after intense soul searching, father decided to sacrifice - renounce for unconditional love.
they tried to understand his perspective and encouraged him. They dint manipulate him. short time later, he changed and joined the college ;).
Hammarskjold Dag - interesting statement: " It is more noble to give yourself completely to one individual than to labor diligently for the salvation of the masses.
P problem/pc opportunity
If anybody is coming with a problem, fine a opportunity to build bonds/relationship with them.
 Principles of interpersonal leadership
win/win - Best way or higher way. It is based on paradigm that there is plenty for everybody. One pers's success is not achieved at expense of success of thers.

